Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The summer holiday has started and my Japanese course is under way. The teaching has been very good and is stretching me in many ways.

I have always tended towards internal thinking. I like to listen and to absorb. I like to reflect and to revise. I am comfortable with these practices. However, I don’t like being asked questions without having the option to say, “please let me reflect on what you’ve asked and come back to me.” Of course, the teachers are absolutely right to build this into lessons, but I struggle with being put on the spot, especially in front of a group, simply because I don’t like making mistakes and the public correction that follows. And when I’m put on the spot, I talk all kinds of nonsense. I know that this is an immature position. The rod and reproof give wisdom, says Proverbs. But even though correction is a powerful honing tool, I haven’t learnt to love it yet!

Anyway, back to the course, I am glad to be challenged to "have a try and see what comes out", since I know that this is how the majority of communication works. Planning ahead is fine if you’re giving a speech, but real conversations don’t work like this.

The course runs for one month. I may blog more during this period, simply because I spend more time each day in a Japanese-only speaking environment, but still need an outlet to communicate more extensively. We shall see.

Thank you for your support and messages of encouragement!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

July update

Hi everyone. Just a quick update because it’s been a while.

Things are going well at GraceCity church. Thinking back to when I arrived in Japan last summer, the church has grown so much since then. Recently, we had some more baptisms, which was great. In August, we have a weekend away planned to Lake Hamanako. I think there’s about fifty of us going, which must be nearly double the number that went last year. Last year, I arrived in Nagoya just after they had all got back, so I’m especially looking forward to it. The video for the last year’s camp is here: http://www.gracecity.jp/media_en.php.

In two weeks, school finishes for the summer. We have one month off, which is lucky. I’ve booked myself onto an intensive Japanese study course, five days a week, every morning. I’m so looking forward to it!

Finally, thanks for all my birthday messages last week. I had a really nice birthday and got another surprise on Friday from my fantastic tennis friends. Love you guys.

Take care!