Saturday, 14 January 2012

Happy new year, everyone. it was so nice coming back to England at Christmas and reconnecting with family and friends. thank you so much for looking after me whilst i was back.

I'm back in Japan now and thankfully over jet lag.

Came back to exciting news: three people have chosen to follow Jesus in as many weeks. very exciting to see God at work at church!

I'm back at school. Really so grateful to God for my job. we're holding a talent show in a few weeks time, so we're all busy getting ready for that.

my new year's resolution is to try to be more deliberate about how i use time. last year, i wasted a lot of time after work in the evening just flitting around on the computer. i feel like i can study, pray and read more if i can plan how to use my time a little better.

this year, i really hope and pray that more japanese people choose to follow Jesus and join us. also, i am always thinking and praying about church planting, where we might go next and who might go. I would love to see some plans take shape in the coming year. we shall see.

Have a very happy new year everyone.