Saturday, 26 May 2012

A meal of milk

Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well?

Summer is on the way. Today I wore my flip-flops and ate スーパーカップ (SuperCup) icecream in the park.

The church is well. Steve Brading visited from Sydney last weekend. He spoke at our men's breakfast, to us as leaders and at our Sunday meeting. He reminded us that God is with us and is for us and that we are loved as much as Jesus is loved. Very encouraging!

From Monday to Friday, I continue to teach at international school. This year, my timetable is mainly teaching maths to years 4, 5 and 6. We use a Japanese textbook which has been translated into English, often with hilarious consequences. It's very interesting to see how maths is taught in a different country. I recently taught a chapter in the year 4 book called ‘big numbers'. In the end of chapter test, the kids had to answer some extraordinary questions such as: 6,000,080,000,000,000 is ...... lots of 100 trillion and ....... lots of 10 million. Last week, I was teaching division of fractions in year 5. We had a lot of fun with this question: ‘There is 1 and 4/5 L of milk. If you drink 3/5L each time with your family, how many meals can you have with your family?’ I asked the kids what they thought. One boy replied: in this family, the mum clearly isn’t much of a cook! I gave him a house point for that one.

In other news, I recently bought an iphone and an electronic piano. I use both every day.

Unfortunately, the next holiday isn’t until July, during which I’m planning on re-entering Japanese language school. Studying during a one month holiday may seem a bit extreme, but in the Nagoya summer heat, the allure of an air conditioned classroom during the daytime becomes quite appealing. I’ll let you know how it’s goes.