Saturday, 14 May 2011

May update

After reading about Simon and Becci's three-week adventure in Cambodia, I feel inspired to write another blog entry.

Today is a beautiful, sunny day. I've recently finished playing tennis and am now at home, recovering from slight sunburn and an all-you-can-eat naan bread lunch time challenge at Mogul Palace.

I've completed six weeks in my new job at Aichi International School. Have done all the usual beginning of term things; establishing rules, routines, that sort of thing. The kids are very young, only five years old… and there are twenty of them. I'm still very much learning how to relate to kids of this age and am not sure if it will ever be my niche, but I’m just happy to be back in primary school. Recently, we had an egg hunt for easter and a picnic outside under the beautiful cherry blossom trees.

Life is good at GraceCity church. Easter flew by quickly, without all the chocolate and bunny rabbits in the shops. My craving for cadbury’s mini eggs has only recently passed. Lots of guests came to our Easter service, which was good. We were packed in like sardines and the search is well and truly on for new premises.

In other news, Nilesh came back from his travels in Australia recently, which is sad for him, but great for me to have my housemate back. Japanese study is going okay. I have a new teacher. She doesn't speak any English, which is good for me. I was talking to Dave recently about learning Japanese, and we decided that it's good at the start to have some English, just to explain certain things. But this new arrangement feels like the first time your arm bands are removed when you're learning to swim. I feel the step up, and it's good.

I hope you’re all doing well back home. I’ve heard you’ve had lots of nice weather recently. If you have some time, get in touch and let me know what you’ve been up to.


  1. Just read your blog Steve (this is Jim L by the way)...glad to hear you're enjoying life out there! Do let me know when you're back in Telford for a drink /game of snooker (I'm guessing you couldn't watch the World Championship in Japan?)

  2. Great to hear how well things are going :)
    If you need any tips with the littluns I'm sure R will be happy to oblige :)
    God bless,
